
5 proposals to discover about it sustainability

#5 Proposals for Sustainable IT

5 Key PROPOSALS…  to LEARN from a VARIETY of PLAYERS! #EVANGELISTS Often non-profit organizations, these include associations and foundations that regularly publish white papers, best practice guides and recommendations (WWF, APC Climat, Good Planet, The Shift Project, Green IT, etc.).  Through public or private research institutes, free tools are also made available to raise awareness and

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5 Key STAGES… in our Sustainable IT playbook!

#4 Stages for Sustainable IT

5 Key STAGES…    in our Sustainable IT playbook! #COLLECT A bit daunting, but there’s no escaping the need to quantify the many sources of the digital industry’s CSR footprint and qualify its sustainable maturity.This exercise led us to identify more than 25 themes and 250 criteria to fill in.  And obviously the need to enrich

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#3 Concepts for Sustainable IT

5 Key CONCEPTS…        to give you some BASICS before you GET  STARTED! #TRYPTIC  CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is the contribution made by companies to sustainable development. Companies must consider the impacts made by their activities on the ecosystem. There are three essential pillars: Planet, People and Profit (3Ps) to reconcile, for sustainable

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Once upon a time: The CSRD

CSRD, so what?  From 2024, a new European directive will come into force: the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Initiated by the European Commission in April 2021, this new European regulation on sustainability was officially published in the EU’s Official Journal on December 16th 2022.   It replaces the Non Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) by

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GreenTech ecosystem

GreenTech Ecosystem decrypted Not easy to to dissect the offers of startups, associations, consulting firms and other ESNs, integrators who are working to accelerate the ecological transition of IT.At Verdikt, to better understand the market players and their scope, we engaged in an analysis exercise and decided to share with you this decryption of the

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