All about us

Our founders

Christine Heckmann

As a former senior CIO in large international companies, I managed their digital transformations and M&A. During all these years, digital pollution was never at the heart of our concerns. Today, I am firmly convinced that the IT sustainability transition will be in the years to come the equivalent of what the digital transformation has been.

Hélène Levrault

Digital technology will be one of the biggest sources of CO2 emissions in the years to come. I have accompanied the digital transformations of large companies and encouraged eco-responsible digital technology. After promoting collaboration between start-ups & large groups, I am now joining the GreenTech ecosystem and tackling the challenge of the ecological transition of digital business.

Our vision

Acting today for a better sustainable future tomorrow.

For our customers, it means being able to:

For Verdikt, it’s also about encouraging:

Our story

Website major release – Jun.
1st IT Paris Forum as exhibitor – Apr.
IT Sustainability Platform major release – Feb.

Jun. – Website major release 
Apr. – 1st IT Paris Forum as exhibitor
Ferb. – IT Sustainability Platform major release

Dec. – 1st client testimony at GreenTech Forum
Nov. – Station F-Future 40 awards
Oct. – GreenTech Innovation awards
Sep. – 1st Produrable as exhibitor
Jun. – 1st Vivatech as exhibitor
Mar. – 1st international customer
Feb. – 1st CAC40 customer
Jan. – 1st international consulting firm partnership

1st GreenTech Forum as exhibitor – Dec.
People product launch – Oct.
Station F-Founders’ Program awards – Jul.
Planet Tech’Care membership – Jun.
Website launch – May
Planet product launch – Apr.
1st Hiring – Mar.

Dec. – 1st GreenTech Forum as exhibitor
Oct. – People product launch
Jul. – Station F-Founders’ Program awards
Jun. – Planet Tech’Care membership
May. – Website launch
Apr. – Planet product launch
Mar. – 1st Hiring

Dec. – BPI i-Nov awards
Oct. – Creation of Verdikt

Our values

"As long as we are among human beings, let us practice humanity”

— Sénèque

“Meeting is a start, staying together is progress and working together is success”

— Henry Ford

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking”

— C.S Lewis

“The real point of honor is not always to be right. It is to dare, to propose new ideas and then to verify them”

— Pierre-Gilles De Gennes

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Do them so well that people cant take their eyes off you!”

— Maya Angelou

Our commitments


Each member of the team has completed a certification course in CSR & IT sustainability


Our partners (consulting firms, ESN) share our values and our sustainable commitments


Our workplace equipment is second-hand and eco-labeled

Our talents

The entrails of the product: for him, it's without moderation!

#dev #backend

The swiss army knife you can rely on.


Immersed in the data with the objective to make them talk!


Frontend - Backend:
he masters both!


Orchestrates product evolution with vision and expertise!

#UI - UX

A blend of wisdom and experience to help the team thrive: anatomy of a success!


Crafting our narrative with finesse!


Coding for a greener futur, one line at the time!


The nuances of code: for her, it's limitless exploration!

#dev #fullstack

The swiss army knife you can rely on.


Immersed in the data with the objective to make them talk!


Frontend - Backend:
he masters both!


Orchestrates product evolution with vision and expertise!

#UI - UX

A blend of wisdom and experience to help the team thrive: anatomy of a success!


Crafting our narrative with finesse!


Coding for a greener futur, one line at the time!


Want to join us?

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