just because you CAN’T SEE it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t POLLUTE!


The digital sector accounted for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 (twice as much as air transport) and is forecast to account for 8% by 2025.

It also accounts for 10% of the world’s electricity consumption and is forecast to account for 20% by 2025!


Hardly sustainable …


On average, 60% of software features are not used!

Are you familiar with the parasite apps installed by manufacturers and editors on our terminals, the features that don’t appeal to the masses or the developments demanded by a handful of users…?

Are you tired of unwanted but mandatory software updates?


All of these things drain the capacity of our equipment which quickly become obsolete.


In 2010, the world had 2 billion terabytes of data.

Since then, the machine has started to spin out of control: 12 in 2015, 47 in 2020, 175 in 2025, 610 in 2030 and the staggering figure of 2100 is forecast for 2035!

These hyper-growth data flows will require unrivalled storage solutions, computing power and bandwidth.


So is digital cleansing 1 day a year… or 365 days?


40 to 60 scarce resources in our high-tech equipment!

Strong global demand for these metals has led to an explosion for little-known chemical elements that are essential to their manufacture: gallium, tungsten in China, cobalt in the Congo, iridium in South Africa, etc., all of which produced in near-monopolies in these countries under inhumane extraction conditions!


By 2050, the main threats of disruption concern : cobalt, lithium (mobile electronics), dysprosium (magneto-optical disks), neodymium (hard disks).


In 2019, only 17.4% of the world’s WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) was recycled!


What’s more, 70% of WEEE does not follow regulated channels and is exported to faraway places (Africa and Asia), polluting locally… and out of our sight!


Even more worrying is the prospect of 74 million tonnes of WEEE worldwide by 2030 (compared with 53 million tonnes today)!