We sustain your IT & value your CSR

Today for tomorrow.

A dual platform
that adapts to you

Maturity assessment

learn – plan – improve

to build on sustainable grounds
Performance assessment

measure – understand – reduce

to make the sustainable move
Maturity assessment

learn, plan, improve

to build on sustainable grounds
Performance assessment

measure, understand, reduce

to make the sustainable move

A powerful platform
that evolves with you

your reality

Your business context is ours

Whether you operate by brands, regions, countries or sites, Verdikt is flexible enough to reflect the way your business is organized. Easy to define the depth levels which best fit your needs but also to benefit from automated global consolidated views.

Your pace is ours

Whether you want to start small and expand or to think big right away, Verdikt is designed to adapt to your deployment strategy and pace. No issue to speed with the early adopters and to breathe with the less matured for a more progressive adoption.

your data

Your data collection is valued

If you’ve invested in asset inventories or CMDB tools, Verdikt provides connectors to automate your data collection. If you still rely on flat files, you can use our templates to import your data. If you’re just able to share raw data, our quality tool will sort it out.

Your IT governance rules are inherited
If you’ve defined governance principles promoting global centralized IT rules & tools, Verdikt will automatically cascade your data filled at one level to the whole below organization simplifying your data collection.

your maturity & performance

Your maturity level is baselined

Qualitative data describing your IT policies & uses is collected and compared to our best practices repository. Your dashboard consolidates your maturity indexes per CSR pillar (Planet, People, Profit) and per UN SDG.

Your off-the-shelf KPIs are computed

Quantitative location-based data is collected to compute KPIs and provide dedicated dynamic charts per UN SDG. Additional specific analytics are available to precisely understand where to act first.

your hotspots

Your orders of magnitude are known

Good to have a macro view of the top contributors to your reduction plans. Easier to deep dive on meaningful issues with the certainty to act at the right place.

Your priority topics are highlighted

Willing to understand where are your key areas of improvement? Use computed data to guide your efforts & easily identify your hotspots with digestible analytics.

from our levers library

Your quick-win actions are prioritized

Leverage a detailed portfolio of automated recommendations to build your improvement plan. The impact and complexity criteria provided will guide your choice for short or long-term results.

Your reduction levers are quantified

Based on your footprint and landscape, discover targeted recommendations to be activated either locally or globally for maximum impact across your organization.

your progress

Your community is onboarded

You can share all your dashboards and visualizations charts with your teams and providers to show the progress you’re making and bring everyone along on your CSR impact track.

Your reporting is ready-to-use

All in one! A full automated report compiling all detailed KPI & data analytics provided by the platform and dedicated to enriching your company’s non-financial report.

with regulations

Our carbone expertise is embedded

Verdikt is built to comply with leading international accounting standards: GHG protocol & Bilan carbone. Get ready to safely comply with France BEGES decree & EU CSRD regulations.

a learning organization

Your training trends are highlighted

Your teams are eager to impulse changes in their day-to-day activities: make the most of it! Training is key to promote new ways of (eco)designing, building and managing IT systems.

Your learning experience is made easy

Navigating the platform helps individuals expand their sustainable IT knowledge. This is made possible thanks to our extensive library providing tips, insights, key figures and best practices along the user-experience.

your ecosystem

Verdikt - Organize - Partners
Your scope 3 is under control

Relying on IT providers to support your activities? No issue, with Verdikt you can assess them. They account for your purchased goods and services audited in your Scope 3 reporting.

Your CSR standards apply to your ecosystem

Not enough to only assess the impacts of your in-house IT!

Time has come to choose your partners for the long term, considering from now on, their detailed CSR performance.

over time

Verdikt - Sustainable IT - Profit trends - VF
How to move in the right direction?

Important now to monitor the long-term impact of projects that are launched, the responsibility of your ecosystem’s suppliers, and to favor responsible labels to reinforce the IT Department’s overall digital sustainability.

Verdikt - Sustainable IT - Planet - Trend
Can't wait for your next run!

You understand now why you took the right decision to choose Verdikt and not an Excel sheet! Compliance will impose a yearly pace. You may even be excited by a bi-yearly frequency to accelerate your improvement plan.

A sustainable platform
that complies for you


We enforce SSO & MFA authentication and provide Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to secure your access.


We apply eco-design principles to minimize our platform’s impacts.


We rely on best-in class security hosting providers (ISO 27001, SOC2, data encryption).


We comply with GDPR regulation and host our data on EU soil.


We apply eco-design principles to minimize our platform’s impacts.


We enforce SSO & MFA authentication and provide Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to secure your access.


We rely on best-in class security hosting providers (ISO 27001, SOC 2, data encryption).


We comply with GDPR regulation and host our data on EU soil.