
September – October 2022



Green Tech Innovation Winner & MeetUp 

IT Ecosystem management is ready

Verdikt is a winner of Greentech Innovation label issued by the Ministry of Ecological Transition 🎉


It is the recognition by the State of our environmental impact, our innovation and our growth prospects! 

Great pride to obtain this important reward 🏆


Thank you to the Ecolab and Ministry teams for this proof of trust and for inviting us as a key IT Sustainability exhibitor on October 18, 2022 for the MeetUp at Station F.


Happy 2nd birthday Verdikt!

2 years already! 


So quick, quite intense but really rewarding…


In 2 years, Verdikt has become a solid team of 10 talented persons.


In 2 years, Verdikt has developed a Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) Saas, positioned at the crossroads of CSR and IT, for CIOs to master a decarbonized, cost-efficient, attractive.. in other words, a sustainable IT!


In 2 years, mature customers (CAC40 and international) have already adopted Verdikt, others “in the making” join us every month as well as consulting partners with whom we join forces to accelerate sustainable IT in companies.


Very proud of the progress Verdikt made in the last 24 months!


Digitally Responsible?

You, CIO and CSRO who share the subject (digital for one and sustainability for the other), will you decide in 2022 to work together to feed your company’s extra-financial report with a first digital component? Don’t let the regulations catch up with you…


Verdikt has guided you, month after month, in your transition to the act towards IT Sustainability. A quick recap of the 2022 roadmap and to help you get ready for 2023.


  • January: Defined green objectives for digital
  • February: Structured a responsible roadmap for the year
  • March: Inventory the data of your information system
  • April: Measured and analyzed your first KPI
  • May: Understood and shortlisted your key polluting contributors: IT domains, geographies, SDGs…
  • June: Elected best levers to activate for improvement plans’ monitoring
  • July: Anticipated the new data collection for the 2nd semester’s reassessment campaign
  • August: Recovered during your summer break
  • September: Expanded internally your assessment to new businesses or geographies
  • October:  Enlarged externally your assessment to your partners’ ecosystem
  • November: Report global & detailed scores and findings to stakeholders
  • December: Extrapolate next year trends while celebrating this year’s achievement!


Renewable energy


In France, The share of renewable energy in total final energy consumption gradually increased to 24% in 2020 up from 13.4% in 2010


IT sustainability is becoming a reality!

The effects of climate change have been real during this summer of 2022!  

Awareness has increased and customers are engaging in IT sustainability.  


Dynamic back-to-school for Verdikt!


2 new clients in our portfolio: 1 CAC 40 + 1 international and 1 consulting firm as new partner


LED usage
Walmart saved more than $1 million a year in electricity costs by turning off the vending machine lights in all break areas.


Joining our talents team?

Our Team is growing!! 


Welcome Mathilde Casasola 🥳 


“Interested in sustainable development since childhood and fascinated by the world of start-ups, I will take care of the clients’ project management part: understanding their needs, helping them get started, transitioning towards digital sustainability and enriching the solution along the way!

We closed our recruitment for the lead tech position.




GreenTech – Meet Verdikt at booth A19!

Under the patronage of Planet Tech’care, GreenTech forum is a professional event dedicated to reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology with the ambition to promote responsible digital technology to enable public and private organisations to reduce their environmental impact.


Mark your calendars: Thursday & Friday – 1st & 2nd December -Montrouge Beffroi


Last event of the year for us!