
November – December 2021



Automation all around!

Starting with improvement recommendations


With the previous episodes, you mastered the scoring of sustainability indicators and maturity indexes… From now on, the new solution recommendation engine, generates improvement proposals, categorized by impact level and by implementation complexity. The choice is yours to structure the roadmap of a progress plan! 

Continuing with the management of company organizations

Now available in the solution, collect and reporting capabilities refined by functional, geographical or consolidated organizations by business, region, group. Teams can easily and autonomously assess the impact of their respective perimeters with their own data and according to their own timing.


GreenTech Forum 

The GreenTech Forum, under the sponsorship of Planet Tech’Care, took place at La Défense on November 30th and December 1st.


First edition of this professional event dedicated to the reduction of the environmental footprint of digital technology.


First participation of Verdikt in such a forum as an exhibitor!


First VIP visit  with the stop of Cédric O at the Verdikt stand hosted in the Startup Village!

Many instructive exchanges especially with all the visitors curious to know more about our solution and with the whole ecosystem present and mobilized to promote a sustainable digital.


See you in 2022 for the 2nd edition! 


Station F: 6 months already! 

Incubated in July with a summer breath in August, we finally took our marks at the beginning of September! And since …


We like : a “guild” leader to facilitate our integration, “heroes” sharing problems, tips and successes in all transparency, a community without borders to network, experts of all kinds to guide our steps, field feedback to move forward faster and countless resources still to be exploited ..,  


We rub shoulders with: an active, noisy, polarized jungle, sometimes clannish, often benevolent…


We develop: autonomy, inclusion, commitment, performance …


We consume with moderation : La Félicita !


ADEME study


is the growth rate of WEEE waste in the world over the last 5 years! FORECAST: 74 million tons of WEEE waste expected worldwide in 2030...


An ever growing team!

These last months Verdikt has welcomed a new recruit: a data scientist.


Specialized in statistics and IT… he will extract, process, analyze, in short, make the data talk to enrich our solution!


For 2022, more automation, monitoring, simulation and benchmark are on the agenda! 


Avoid over-equipping by favouring the re-use and repair of electronic equipment
90% of the energy consumed by a smartphone is used during its manufacturing phase. It takes an average of 240kg of fossil fuels to manufacture a single computer.


Jean-Claude Laroche, the new president of Cigref, recently declared: “Integrating environmental impact must be the trademark of CIOs”.  


So book now 1 green hour in your agenda for our monthly “Aparté”!


On the agenda: challenges, expertise and solution around sustainable digital. Next session on January 20, 2022 and recurringly every 3rd Thursday of the month, at Station F, from 9am to 10am upon reservation.


GreenTech Forum 

May 2022 be sweet and light for you! 


Good health, a sufficient dose of optimism, a lot of pleasure, enough benevolence and great collective successes!


2022: a year of concretization of the work done in 2021 with strong ambitions of business growth and product development! Departure launched … 


And in ” Indiscretions “, from February 2022, Verdikt will take up a new challenge with its ecosystem … 


Stay tuned !