
2023 Summer edition


Happy birthday Verdikt!


We’ve been incubated at Station F for 2 years now! 🥳


We’ve already come a long way:

– winner of the GreenTech innovation label from the French Ministry of Ecological Transition🥇

– selected as one of Station F’s 40 most promising start-ups 🚀

– and of course new recruits, new customers, new partnerships and much more to come between now and the end of the year…


Summer review: what you shouldn’t have missed! 

The context of the CSRD is set


It has been over 6 months since the countdown for the CSRD began.


Indeed, the European directive “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive”, which aims to require companies to provide an annual non-financial reporting, will come into effect from 2024.


For companies already subject to non-financial reporting obligations under the NFRD, this date means that the first official report will be published in 2025, based on data from 2024.


The other 50,000 companies affected by the CSRD will gradually be covered by the reporting timetable, which runs until 2028.


Details of the timetable can be found in our article dedicated to the CSRD here 🔍 🌱 

And what about the digital aspect in all of this?


🇪🇺 The CSRD requires companies to assess and communicate on their extra-financial (i.e. ESG) indicators, such as their water and energy consumption, their impact on biodiversity, their gender pay gap and, of course, their carbon footprint, including scope 3 emissions.


Now, the majority of emissions related to IT fall under this category (indirect emissions excluding energy), mainly stemming from purchases. IT also accounts for a significant portion of the energy expenditures for many companies. 🔌


Furthermore, the IT Department has a key role to play in digitalising the processes for collecting and processing non-financial data. If you’re going to embark on a digital transformation at company level, you’d better make it sustainable! 🌱


A busy agenda


📣 Just 6 months left before the implementation of CSRD. You should have started collecting your IT data to calculate the Scope 3 of your carbon footprint.


However, IDC France notes that only 24% of large corporations and administrations are advanced in their projects at this level. 😥


📑 Don’t let regulations catch up with you… and if no steps have been taken so far, the time has come to add sustainable IT on top of your agenda and your 2024 budget

The use of Excel sheets will no longer be enough to track, reduce, and compare data over time. Therefore, implementing a more reliable solution is imperative.

An all-in-one solution


🌿 In this context, Verdikt is developing the first Sustainable IT platform.


IT Directors and Sustainable Development Managers now have the opportunity to measure the impacts of their IT, understand how to reduce them, manage over time action plans, communicate the results achieved, and of course, ensure compliance with regulations.

👀You’ll find out more in a few weeks, we’ll keep you posted on our website or our Linkedin.


Back to school with several major announcements to come!

The summer period is normally a time to slow down, take a break and reduce the pace. Not so for us! We seized the opportunity to use these two months of low customer presence to boost our product delivery! And the result will be not just one, but two major announcements coming in the next few weeks. 🥳


new offering and a major scope extension to complement our platform major features, so you can move faster along the path to a sustainable IT transition 🌿


Driven by a context of CSRD framing corporate social responsibility, we felt it necessary to go further and develop an offering for all players subject to this new regulation, to facilitate their scope 3 assessment. ☁️


VivaTech 2023 – What sustainable IT sector trends for CIOs?

🚀 We attended the 7ᵉ edition of VivaTech, which took place in Paris from 14th to 17th June.


The key meeting of the year for us, the opportunity to have interesting discussions, connections and a chance to get to know prospects keen to launch initiatives or accelerate their transition 🌱


To mark the occasion, we took a look back at 4 key trends in sustainable IT that we noted at the event: 

– drastic maturity shift in prospects conversation 🗣️

– much more substance discussions with potential customers 🤝

– carbon-centric IT ecosystem adopting CSR vocabulary blurring the line 🌿

difficult for prospects to decipher marketing offers of various greentech players 🔎


📖 The full article is available here.


A dynamic start to summer.

illustrations Newsletter-7

Following our numerous meetings at Vivatech, we have had an increase in requests for demos of our solution!


This is proof of the growing maturity of CIOs, CSR and Sustainable Development Managers in the area of Sustainable IT, and of the need to equip themselves to meet the regulatory obligations for extra-financial reporting from January 2024 📚


Once again, we would like to thank the partners and organizers of VivaTech for the guided tours, which provided an opportunity to meet new people, each more interesting than the last. 

#Key Figure

Responsibility for Scope 3 emissions


consider that responsibility for Scope 3 emissions lies with their Sustainable Development Manager, 55% with the Environmental Impact Manager and 51% with the IT Operations Manager.

(Source: Blancco Technology Group study)


Summer break

After an intense first half of the year, the entire Verdikt team took a summer break to get back into shape for September.


A tight second half of the year ahead, with a multitude of new projects, new product launches, trade shows, forums, etc…


We’re now ready to hit the ground running 🚀


👀Stay tuned!


Follow us on linkedin so you don’t miss a thing.

#Best Practice

Reducing data center energy consumption
The French government's National Plan for the Energy Efficiency of Digital Services estimates that data center consolidation can reduce energy consumption by up to 30%. 

(Source: French Government)


Hottest summer!

Hot hot hot… 🔥


That’s the alarming observation we made this summer: 


– July’s record temperature (17.23°C) beats July 2022’s record of 16.92°C. 🌡️

– Global ocean temperature a quarter of a degree above previous record for July 🌊

– Unprecedented heatwave in and around the Mediterranean ☀️


Temperatures continue to rise each year, a direct consequence of global warming linked to the increasing concentration of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. ☁️

Climate change has several direct consequences for natural ecosystems

  • rising maximum and minimum temperatures 
  • melting glaciers 
  • rising sea levels 
  • rising ocean temperatures 
  • more intense precipitation
  • more hurricanes and cyclones 
  • increased periods of aridity and drought

This is what a +2° planet has in store for us 🥵 


Expert groups are still hammering the point home that it’s not too late, and that we can still take action to limit global warming. 


So get involved at your own level! At Verdikt, we’ve chosen our battle: working for sustainable IT 🌿


Startups, GreenTech, IT… don’t miss the key events of late 2023!

Trade shows, forums, conferences… 


The end of the year promises to be hectic 🤯


To help you find your way around, Verdikt has put together a round-up of all the upcoming events for the last quarter of 2023.