
March – April 2023


Screenshot - IT domain dashboard


Enhanced Analytics are available now! 

We just released a new set of dashboards & analytics, to provide more in-depth information on environmental impacts.


In addition to publishing a synthetic & focused SDG-targeted dashboard for CxO, now detailed views, by IT domains and by geographies, enrich our solution and spot key topics to focus on. 


Want to explore your workplace’s environmental impacts? Yes you can! Want to know the contribution of a specific country or region of your organisation to the company’s digital pollution? You can too! So come and discover… 


The subject of digital sustainability appeals to you,
Your customers question you and you lack answers…




You would like to propose them to evaluate the carbon impact of their IS (but not only),
You would like to tell them which emissions’ items to reduce as a priority
You would like to recommend impactful actions to launch
You would like to equip them so that they can regularly reassess themselves
You would like to help them ultimately manage the ecological transition of their digital transformation


It’s possible!


We have already done it with our circle of partners for their customers
So let’s discuss our next collaboration.


Digitally Responsible?

You, CIO and CSRO who share the subject (digital for one and sustainability for the other), will you decide in 2022 to work together to feed your company’s extra-financial report with a first digital component? Don’t let the regulations catch up with you…


Verdikt wants to believe in it and to guide you, month after month, in your transition to the act.


May understand and shortlist your key polluting contributors: IT domains, geographies, SDGs …


June elect best levers to activate for improvement plans’ monitoring


July anticipate the new data collection for the 2nd semester’s reassessment campaign 


August recover during your summer break ☀️


Earth Day 2022

1 Billion

Over 1 billion individuals from 190+ countries mobilised for action to protect mother Earth


2 major automotive companies chose Verdikt to measure their worldwide IT carbon footprint!

Verdikt was at VivaTech 2022 , Europe’s biggest start-up and tech event. An experience well beyond our expectations and many memorable enriching encounters with business leaders across all industries.


It is exciting to know that the awareness of companies on ecological transition is progressing with a keen desire to accelerate the IT transition in a sustainable manner.


A big thank you to all the visitors who came and discovered our innovative and enriched product.

A valuable exercise in 4-6 weeks: 


  • to quantify the carbon footprint of IT
  • to find out major countries and sources of GHG emissions
  • to discover the environmental maturity of IT
  • to set a baseline for recurring reassessments
  • to convince the top management to initiate a sustainable action plan


Gender and Diversity
Companies that are gender and ethnically diverse were 36% more likely to outperform on profitability.


Joining our talents team?

Last month, Verdikt has welcomed a new recruit as CEO right-hand: our first non-French speaking talent.

He will make our CEO’s life easier by taking charge of strategic and operational cross-functional missions.

To continue our development, Verdikt is recruiting


  • a lead tech 3-5 years of experience on permanent contract
  • a business developper 3-5 years of experience on permanent contract

Dare to join us for a project that makes sense!



2022 – GreenTech Innovation Label in our radar!


Verdikt targets this year to obtain the GreenTech Innovation label granted by the French Ecological Transition Ministry. This brand-new label distinguishes the excellence of innovative project leaders with high economic potential.


For Verdikt, the written exam was successfully passed in 2022 1st quarter and the oral exam happened  in April with a renowned member in our jury: Vincent Courboulay, scientific director of the Institute of Sustainable Digital. Final decision expected in June.