in our Sustainable IT playbook!
This presupposes having formalised an assessment methodology, defined relevant sustainability indicators to monitor and developed reliable calculation algorithms.
The collected data can then be valorized, aggregated and weighted to assess and then consolidate overall maturity, and performance indicators.
Key indicators and analytics should be formatted in such a way as to facilitate the understanding of the maturity and performance assessment, both in detail and as a whole, by focusing on the current state of play and putting it into perspective in order to popularize best practice in the areas covered and identify levers of improvement.
Knowing yourself better is good, being able to situate yourself in your professional environment is better!
It’s not easy to carry out a statistical analysis in isolation, to position the results of an assessment both globally and according to criteria of sector, company size, etc… yet it’s an interesting way of measuring how far we’ve come or how far we still have to go!
Draw up a detailed report highlighting the points that have been mastered, the areas for improvement to be considered and the conditions for their implementation, all of which are necessary to manage a long-term improvement plan.
And of course, it’s crucial to be able to share the benefits with your ecosystem, both internally to raise awareness and externally to involve your partners in this impact exercise!